Treatments went well, just waiting on the skin to look "normal." Have an appt in a couple weeks with my doctor and hoping the spot treated on my leg has responded well enough to not be surgically removed. WAY more fun things to spend a few hundred $'s on!!! Here are some progress photos.
Treated back of the right leg - left forearm - central chest....again!
Diagnosed with pre-skin cancers and especially with my mom's skin cancer history (most recently 2 Mohs surgeries on her face) and my sun-rich lifestyle, my dermatologist recommended a round of skin chemotheraphy with the drug Efudex5%. Pictures she showed of other patients were intentionally startling. Forewarned is forearmed is the train of thought! No way to predict my reaction to the drug, but hope is it won’t be too severe. Treatment consists of applying 2xdaily for 3 weeks.