Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Day 22 - November 16, 2010

DONE!!!!!  I was more terrifed than I realized how much I feared Dr. asking me to continue even spot-treating sores that are still there, but she said no, you're done.  I'm hearing now that my reaction may have been more severe than normal, which is fine with me.  So long as the pre-cancers are dead, I'd do it again in a heartbeat.  Dr. was very reassuring and empathetic, commiserating with my pain and even going so far as to talk about not using Efudex on me again, or if so, we'd probably do a lower strength.  Makes sense to me.  She was also surprisingly receptive to learning from my experience and sharing it with others, which of course, is ideal.  I felt like I had almost all "on the job training" and if I can shortcut someone else's learning curve, I'm all for it.  Turns out she is very receptive to me being a little bit of a learning process with them, which I'm totally fine with.  I was so appreciative of her being so open and willing.

Lots of times I try to focus on 2 things....how can I learn from this and how do I get back to "normal" asap. 

Dr. answered the second part right off and recommended a prescription steroid ointment to immediately address the swollen, painful skin.  Done.  Doubled it with suggesting vaseline or Aquaphor (I'll use Aquaphor) to loosen up the crusty areas at night.  They even asked why I didn't use Aquaphor during the treatment and I told them I'd read of another patient using Aquaphor, but then the pain of trying to wash it off to re-apply medicine was too painful.  I chose to just stick out the pain and make sure the medicine stayed on clean dry skin!  She asked to see me again in 3days to check my recovery.

(couple hours later)  Eureka!  I went straight to pharmacy to get the steroid and put it on immediately upon arriving at work and I SWEAR I can tell a difference in 1 hour!!!  I can make a creepy-looking smile now, face feels looser and even the crusty spots are turning (kinda gross actually) a little gooey.  THANK GOODNESS.  The steroid was painful the first couple minutes, but the relief now is noticeable.  Sheesh, if there was a way for my mind to help, I'd be back to normal before the weekend!  What a gi-normous difference this steroid ointment is already making.  So far, co-workers are trying so hard to talk to me "normally," but I'm looking in the mirror all the time right now (looking for those signs of progress!) and I really am pretty gross to look at.  Fire engine red, completely greasy and gooey crusty spots.  They're being good sports.  I'm wondering if they'd rather me go home, but we're busy enough with the Show coming up in 2months that we're working Saturdays, so my gut tells me missing 1/2 day work for nothing but vanity isn't a good thing.  Plus, I think this ointment is going to make a huge difference by tomorrow :)  (must be feeling a little better.  For the first time, I'm tempted to take another pic & see if I could look a little better!)

This steroid ointment is making my day better and better.  It continues to help the pain, swelling continues to go down and since it is making the crusty areas gooey, I'm looking forward to (yes, very very gently) washing my face tonight.  I think I am WELL on my way now.  Heck I can come close to a half-smile now :)


  1. Hi Pam,
    Thanks so much for posting your experience with Efudex. I learned a lot from your documented experience.
    I work for a pharmaceutical company and I am doing an educational event in a couple weeks regarding topical treatments used to treat Actinic Keratosis.
    I was wondering if you would grant me permission to use your pictures and some of your comments to educate my colleagues on what Efudex treatment is like for the patient.

    1. Hi Deana,
      Dangit...I never got your comment and wish I had!! I thought they would go straight to my inbox, so hope this goes to yours?? Sorry for appearing to ignore, because that's the last thing I would want. Yes, please feel free to use my experience and to also contact me directly at texaspamrides@yahoo.com. Hope it helps or helps to prepare others!
